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Logo + Visual Identity
Business Card


About the client

Pottyworks creates solution-based, environmentally-friendly products that make potty time simple, safe and sanitary. In 2013, founder Joan Martin learned the hard way that flushed wet wipes build up and clog pipes in your home. Her family started using plastic bags to dispose baby wipes in the trash... but she knew there had to be a more convenient and sustainable way. After finding that no product existed that addressed this problem, the idea for the Pottyworks wipes dispenser was born! Joan developed a brand new concept of wipe dispensers that come with disposable and biodegradable bags in one stylish caddy. The dispenser helps simplify customers’ everyday lives while preventing particles of wipes from entering our waterways (a huge problem throughout the world!).

About the brand

In preparation for the launch of their Kickstarter campaign, Joan and I collaborated on a beautiful and timeless visual identity for Pottyworks. It was important that the brand was clean and versatile, so that it would easily and effectively translate from product to packaging, to digital marketing. The color palette feels fresh and natural, speaking to the product itself and how it effortlessly fits into the homes and routines of all who use it. The simple, rounded lettering feels approachable yet stands strong on its own in the charcoal color. The minimalistic wave symbol adds a nice movement and represents the environmentally-friendly aspect of the brand (it also subtly resembles a wipe!). We brought in a pattern and texture to reinforce Pottyworks’ brand and continue to emphasize the natural feel of the brand and the mission behind the product.

minimal logo design for childcare
blue and minimal logo design for childcare
brand elements design for childcare
brand elements for child brand design
letterhead design for pottyworks
brand photos for pottyworks